Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Government should come up with measures to counteract downward forces in Budget 2020 - Jomo

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 25 -- The government should consider coming out with measures in Budget 2020 to counteract the downward forces that have been affecting Malaysia, says prominent economist.

Prof Dr Jomo Kwame Sundaram said one of the key measures is to make sure the bottom 70 per cent of the Malaysians can spend more.

 "Additional income for relatively less well-off translates into spending. You give an additional ringgit to a rich person the rich person is not going to spend the extra money.

"But if you give the additional ringgit to the poorer person, the person is likely to spend that money,” he told a media briefing on the annual Trade and Development Report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) here today.

Jomo, who is also Khazanah Research Institute research adviser said having a more effective tax system would make a big difference in boosting the government income.

"Right now, due to the debts that the government inherited, there is understandably more debts (created). Given the serious situation in the world today, I think it is important for us to make sure the umbrella is ready before it rains, " he added.

Jomo said there are many ways to improve corporate taxation rather than just changing tax rates.

"If, for example, a company is allocating additional investments, then you might want to give them a tax break because they are investing and enhance the economic capacity of the country.

"Basically, what you want is smart taxation. You want to have meaningful economic incentives. You want to reward entrepreneurship," he added.


Budget 2021: MoT to provide incentives to lighten people’s burden - Wee 

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 19 -- The Ministry of Transport which receives RM6.05 billion allocation under Budget 2021, will be providing various incentives to benefit the people.

2021 Budget : MAFI, private sector must co-operate to optimise Budget 2021

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 16  -- The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries (MAFI) and the private sector must escalate co-operation to optimise the allocation in the 2021 Budget to MAFI so that the initiative to empower the national foodagro sector can be achieved by using the latest technologies to modernise agriculture. 


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