2020 Budget: Sarawak Business Federation hopes for more development allocations

KUCHING, Sept 27 -- The Sarawak Business Federation (SBF) hopes the Federal government can increase allocations to the state in the 2020 Budget, which will be tabled on Oct 11.

Its president Datuk Abang Abdul Karim Tun Abang Openg said among others there was need for additional provisions for the development of the state which was still lagging behind, compared to the states in the Peninsula.

“The development will indirectly create more business opportunities for our people,” he said at a press conference for the programme, ‘Business Meeting Session With the Chief Minister of Sarawak’ to be held on Oct 8, here, today.

Abang Karim said the additional allocation was also important for the state, in order to implement more infrastructure projects,in order to be on par with the states in the Peninsula, in terms of development by 2030.

Meanwhile, commenting on the programme to be held with Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg, Abang Karim said 600 people comprising businessmen and government staff were expected to attend.

He said the essence of the programme at the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) themed ‘Journey to 2030’ included direct dialogue with Abang Johari.

He said those interested can purchase tickets priced at RM100, by contacting the SBF Secretariat at 082-237148.


Budget 2021: MoT to provide incentives to lighten people’s burden - Wee 

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 19 -- The Ministry of Transport which receives RM6.05 billion allocation under Budget 2021, will be providing various incentives to benefit the people.

2021 Budget : MAFI, private sector must co-operate to optimise Budget 2021

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 16  -- The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries (MAFI) and the private sector must escalate co-operation to optimise the allocation in the 2021 Budget to MAFI so that the initiative to empower the national foodagro sector can be achieved by using the latest technologies to modernise agriculture. 


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