Budget 2020 'extraordinary', like election budget - Lim

BERA, Oct 13  -- Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng has described the 2020 Budget, which he tabled in the Dewan Rakyat on Friday, as extraordinary because it has been praised as an “election budget”.

Lim said that after the tabling of the budget, a Pakatan Harapan (PH) leader told him that the budget was very comprehensive, like what was normally given in a general election year.

"I replied that we have to make changes from the previous government, that is our budget is like an election budget although the election is still far off. We hope to be able to do this every year.

"We have to work to bring the changes we promised the people, and no matter how hard, we have to work. So far, many reactions received are generally positive,” he said.

Lim said this when opening the Pahang DAP annual convention at the Triang DAP office here today. Also present were Pahang DAP chairman Leong Ngah Ngah and other party leaders.

Lim said the budget is comprehensive as it was drawn up with noble intentions to help the rakyat, and this rendered the opposition unable to counter it.

"If you watched the tabling live, (you would have noticed) the opposition was so aggressive in the early stages but once I finished delivering (the budget speech), they all disappeared,” he said.

Lim said the budget was not only aimed at improving the country’s economy but also people’s welfare like providing job opportunities, ensuring women’s wellbeing and placing more emphasis on education and religious institutions.

In his speech, Leong said there were still some weaknesses more than one year after the change of government but things would continue to improve, including in fulfilling PH’s election manifesto.

"Our mission in 2018 was to topple a corrupt government to save Malaysia and we succeeded. Now is the time to close the many holes and this takes time.

"However, at least we do not indulge in corruption and this is most important...we need to be clean in our desire to help Malaysians,” he said.


Budget 2021: MoT to provide incentives to lighten people’s burden - Wee 

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 19 -- The Ministry of Transport which receives RM6.05 billion allocation under Budget 2021, will be providing various incentives to benefit the people.

2021 Budget : MAFI, private sector must co-operate to optimise Budget 2021

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 16  -- The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries (MAFI) and the private sector must escalate co-operation to optimise the allocation in the 2021 Budget to MAFI so that the initiative to empower the national foodagro sector can be achieved by using the latest technologies to modernise agriculture. 


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