Budget 2021's digitalisation funding to support long-term economic growth -- Red Hat

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 7 -- Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) now have more ways to realise their digital transformation and innovation agenda with the provision of an additional RM150 million under the SME Digitalisation Grant Scheme and Automation Grant in Budget 2021, Red Hat Malaysia said.

In a statement today, country manager Eric Quah said the company is especially encouraged by the focus on the country’s digital economy through an allocation of RM1 billion for the Industrial Digitalisation Transformation Scheme, which is provided via Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Bhd.

“As the economy take steps to move forward and find ways to operate in these challenging times, the government has recognised that digital resilience is imperative for Malaysian organisations to thrive.

“We are also seeing a shift in the way people live and work, which requires organisations to rethink their teams, processes, and technologies in order to stay competitive,” he said.

Quah said Red Hat is optimistic on the investment that the government is putting in digitalisation, which represents an opportunity to support Malaysia’s long-term economic growth.

“However, organisations riding on the wave of transformation will need to have an open and flexible information technology foundation that can support new technologies, such as edge computing and artificial intelligence,” he said.

Red Hat is a global enterprise open source solutions provider using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.


Budget 2021: MoT to provide incentives to lighten people’s burden - Wee 

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 19 -- The Ministry of Transport which receives RM6.05 billion allocation under Budget 2021, will be providing various incentives to benefit the people.

2021 Budget : MAFI, private sector must co-operate to optimise Budget 2021

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 16  -- The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries (MAFI) and the private sector must escalate co-operation to optimise the allocation in the 2021 Budget to MAFI so that the initiative to empower the national foodagro sector can be achieved by using the latest technologies to modernise agriculture. 


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